Do I Need a New Furnace?

freezing parents and teenage son warming near warm heater in home.

We’re glad you asked! Furnaces, as you probably know, don’t last forever. And they can be a burden to replace, often for financial reasons. Unfortunately, at a certain point, your furnace may actually be costing you more in repairs than it would cost to replace it.

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, you may want to upgrade to a newer model:

1. Over the hill

Furnaces, even well-maintained ones, have a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years. If yours is older than that, it may be time for it to retire.

2. Frequent/expensive repairs

Your furnace shouldn’t need to be repaired more than once a year, if that. As your furnace ages, repairs can become increasingly expensive. If a repair is going to cost you at least 50 percent of the amount required to replace the furnace, you should probably opt to replace it.

Note: If a technician is inspecting your broken furnace, he or she can tell you if repair or replacement is the better option.

3. Increased heating bills

To meet the demand of inflation, and to protect our environment, newer furnaces are more energy efficient. Older furnaces aren’t, especially if they are in poor condition. If your utility bills are suspiciously high, your furnace may be the culprit.

Still not sure if you need to replace your furnace? Call Albritton Heating and Air at 910-792-6111. One of our skilled technicians can run a detailed analysis to see how well your furnace is running. We don’t want to see our neighbors in Wilmington, NC, using furnaces costing them an arm and a leg each month. If you’re ready to part ways with your furnace, our Albritton Heating and Air team is happy to set you up with a new and improved one.

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